n 教育经历
1996.9-2000.6 湖北民族学院,园艺专业,本科
2000.9-2003.6 云南大学,植物学专业,硕士
2004.9-2007.6 安徽农业大学,作物遗传育种专业,博士
n 工作经历
2003.7-2004.8 保山师范高等专科学校,生化系,助教
2007.7-2014.11 云南农业大学,农学与生物技术学院,讲师
2014.11-2018.8 云南农业大学,农学与生物技术学院,副教授
2018.8- 云南农业大学,农学与生物技术学院,教授(破格)
n 教学
n 奖励与荣誉
云南省科技进步三等奖:广适多抗优质弱筋小麦种质资源创新与利用, 2016(排名第一)
n 研究项目
(1)“兴滇英才计划”配套项目,藜麦新品种选育及示范应用, 2022.11-2027.10。
(2)云南省杨武云专家工作站, 2022- 2024。
(11)国家自然科学基金 “基于全基因组扫描的白皮小麦抗穗发芽关联分析”,2016-01至2019-12,结题。
n 代表性成果(包括论文、著作、专利标准、品种等,请根据实际情况取舍)
[1] Li Li#, Hui Zhang#, Junna Liu#, Tingzhi Huang, Xuesong Zhang, Heng Xie, Yirui Guo, Qianchao Wang, Ping Zhang, Peng Qin*. Grain color formation and analysis of correlated genes by metabolome and transcriptome in different wheat lines at maturity. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2023, 10: 1112497(IF5.0,中国科学院二区)
[2] Heng Xie#, Ping Zhang#, Chunhe Jiang#, Qianchao Wang, Yirui Guo, Xuesong Zhang, Tingzhi Huang, Junna Liu, Li Li, Hanxue Li, Hongxin Wang, Peng Qin*. Combined transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses of high temperature stress response of quinoa seedlings. BMC Plant Biology, 2023, 23: 292(IF5.3,中国科学院二区)
[3] X.S. Zhang, T.Z. Huang, Q.C. Wang, Y.R. Guo, L. Li, J.N. Liu, P. Zhang, H. Xie, C.L. Zhang*, P. Qin*. Metabonomic analysis of iron shell wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanense King) reveals mechanisms of resistance against powdery mildew. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2023, 70: 89(IF1.4,中国科学院四区)
[4] Shan Zhang#, Jian Liu#, Lian Shi#, Qianchao Wang, Ping Zhang, Hongxin Wang, Junna Liu, Hanxue Li, Li Li, Xinyi Li, Liubin Huang , Peng Qin*. Identification of core genes associated with different phosphorus levels in quinoa seedlings by weighted gene co-expression network analysis. BMC Genomics, 2023, 24: 399(IF4.4,中国科学院二区, TOP)
[5] Hanxue Li#, Qianchao Wang#, Tingzhi Huang, Junna Liu, Ping Zhang, Li Li, Heng Xie, Hongxin Wang, Chenghong Liu*, Peng Qin*. Transcriptome and Metabolome Analyses Reveal Mechanisms Underlying the Response of Quinoa Seedlings to Nitrogen Fertilizers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24: 11580(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[6] Ping Zhang#, Yongsheng Tang#, Yongjiang Liu#, Junna Liu, Qianchao Wang, Hongxin Wang, Hanxue Li, Li Li, Peng Qin*. Metabolic characteristics of self-pollinated wheat seed under red and blue light during early development. Planta, 2023, 258: 63(IF4.3,中国科学院二区)
[7] Chuanli Zhang#, Ping Zhang#, Xuesong Zhang, Qianchao Wang, Junna Liu, Li Li, Shunhe Cheng*, Peng Qin*. Integrated metabolome and transcriptome analyses reveal amino acid biosynthesis mechanisms during the physiological maturity of grains in Yunnan Hulled Wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanense King). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24: 13475(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[8] Xinyi Li#, Ping Zhang #, Jia Liu, Hongxin Wang, Junna Liu, Hanxue Li, Heng Xie, Qianchao Wang, Li Li, Shan Zhang, Liubin Huang, Chenghong Liu*, Peng Qin*. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of the quinoa seedling response to high relative humidity stress. Biomolecules, 2023, 13, 1352(IF5.5,中国科学院二区)
[9] Yongjiang Liu#, Zhiyou Kong#, Junna Liu, Qianchao Wang, Xiuju Huan,Li Li, Peng Qin*. Non-targeted metabolomics of quinoa seed filling period based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Food Research International, 2020, 137: 109743 (IF6.475,中国科学院二区)
[10] Li Li#, Zhiyou Kong#, Xiuju Huan#, Yeju Liu, Yongjiang Liu, Qianchao Wang, Junna Liu, Ping Zhang, Yirui Guo, Peng Qin*. Transcriptomics integrated with widely targeted metabolomics reveals the mechanism underlying grain color formation in wheat at the grain-filling stage. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 757750(IF6.627,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[11] Ping Zhang#, Zhiyou Kong#, Junna Liu, Yongjiang Liu, Qianchao Wang, Xiuju Huan, Li Li, Yunfeng Jiang, Peng Qin*. Transcriptome response to drought stress and subsequent re-watering in drought-tolerant wheat seedlings. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 2022, 91(2): 375-394(IF1.7,中国科学院四区)
[12] Yongjiang Liu#, Junna Liu#, Zhiyou Kong#, Xiuju Huan, Li Li, Ping Zhang, Qianchao Wang, Yirui Guo, Wentao Zhu, Peng Qin*. Transcriptomics and metabolomics analyses of the mechanism of flavonoid synthesis in seeds of differently colored quinoa strains. Genomics, 2022, 114: 138-148 (IF4.4,中国科学院三区)
[13] Ping Zhang#, Li Li#, Chuanli Zhang#, Yongjiang Liu, Junna Liu, Qianchao Wang, Xiuju Huan, Kunda Gao, Xuesong Zhang, Shunhe Cheng, Peng Qin*. Genome-wide association study of Yunnan-specific wheat varieties under conditions of drought stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2022, 54(5): 1715-1731 (IF1.2,中国科学院四区)
[14] Qianchao Wang#, Yirui Guo#, Tingzhi Huang#, Xuesong Zhang, Ping Zhang, Heng Xie, Junna Liu, Li Li, Zhiyou Kong*, Peng Qin*. Transcriptome and metabolome analyses revealed the response mechanism of quinoa seedlings to different phosphorus stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 4704(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[15] Xuesong Zhang#, Tingzhi Huang#, Qianchao Wang, Yirui Guo, Ping Zhang, Heng Xie, Junna Liu, Li Li, Chuanli Zhang*, Peng Qin*. Mechanisms of resistance tospot blotch in Yunnan iron shell wheat based on metabolome and transcriptomics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 5184(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[16] Heng Xie#, Qianchao Wang#, Ping Zhang, Xuesong Zhang, Tingzhi Huang, Yirui Guo, Junna Liu, Li Li, Hanxue Li, Peng Qin*. Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of the response of quinoa seedlings to low temperatures. Biomolecules, 2022, 12: 977(IF5.5,中国科学院二区)
[17] Junna Liu#, Li Li#, Yongjiang Liu#, Zhiyou Kong, Ping Zhang, Qianchao Wang, Shunhe Cheng*, Peng Qin*. Combined transcriptome and metabolome analysis of the resistance mechanism of quinoa seedlings to Spodoptera exigua. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 931145(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[18] Yirui Guo#, Qianchao Wang#, Hui Zhang#, Tingzhi Huang, Xuesong Zhang, Heng Xie, Junna Liu, Ping Zhang, Li Li, Peng Qin*. Responses to waterlogging stress in quinoa seedlings based on metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 203: 105044(IF5.7,中国科学院二区)
[19] Qianchao Wang#, Lan Yao#, Qunying Li#, Heng Xie, Yirui Guo, Tingzhi Huang, Xuesong Zhang, Junna Liu, Ping Zhang, Li Li , Peng Qin*. Integrative analysis of the metabolome and transcriptome provides insights into the mechanisms of flavonoid biosynthesis in quinoa seeds at different developmental stages. Metabolites, 2022, 12: 887(IF4.1,中国科学院三区)
[20] Yongjiang Liu#, Junna Liu#, Li Li, Ping Zhang, Qianchao Wang, Peng Qin*. Transcriptome and metabolome combined to analyze quinoa grain quality differences of different colors cultivars. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 12883(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP)
[21] Xiuju Huan#, Li Li#, Yongjiang Liu#, Zhiyou Kong, Yeju Liu, Qianchao Wang, Junna Liu, Ping Zhang, Yirui Guo, Peng Qin*. Integrating transcriptomics and metabolomics to analyze quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) responses to drought stress and rewatering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 988861(IF5.6,中国科学院二区,TOP))
[22] Tingzhi Huang#, Xuesong Zhang#, Qianchao Wang#, Yirui Guo, Heng Xie, Li Li, Ping Zhang, Junna Liu, Peng Qin*. Metabolome and transcriptome profles in quinoa seedlings in response to potassium supply. BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22: 604(IF5.3,中国科学院二区)