职称: 教授
■ 教育及工作经历
u 2019.10--至今 在云南农业大学农学院工作,教授
u 2014.09--2019.09 在云南农业大学农学院工作,副教授
u 2014.09--2015.09 在英国洛桑实验站,攻读博士后
u 2007.09--2012.01 在云南农业大学农学院工作,讲师
u 2002.09--2007.07 在中国科学院昆明植物研究所攻读研究生,植物学专业,获博士学位;
u 1998.09--2002.07 在河南大学攻读本科,生物教育专业,获学士学位;
■ 研究方向
■ 研究项目
◆ 国家自然科学基金:滇重楼的分子鉴定及种质资源评价2013.01-2016.12,主持
◆ 国家自然科学基金:内生菌促进滇重楼皂苷类活性成分积累的机理研究,2015.01-2018.12,主持
◆ 国家自然科学基金:滇重楼结构发育与皂苷积累的光照效应,2016.01-2019.12,主持
◆ 国家自然科学基金:荧光标记真菌PL21在滇重楼体内的内生定殖及提质机理研究, 2019.01-2022.12,主持
◆ 科技部重大专项:林下中药材优质生产关键技术研究与集成示范,2021-2023,主持子课题,
◆ 科技部重点研发计划:西南地区天麻、三七等中药材产业关键技术研究与应用示范,2021- 2026,主持子课题
◆ 云南省科技厅(农业联合专项重点项目):内生真菌在滇重楼体内的内生定殖及其诱导皂苷合成的机制,2017 -2020,主持
◆ 云南省科技厅(基础研究重点项目):滇重楼甾体皂苷VI生物合成代谢途径分子机制研究,2022-2025,主持
◆ 云南省科技厅(面上项目):滇重楼品质分子标记及优良基因资源保护 主持,2012-2015,主持
◆ 云南省教育厅(重点项目):滇重楼结构发育与皂苷积累的光照效应;2014-2015,主持
◆ 云南省重点研发计划:高黎贡野生生物种质资源保藏和分子鉴定的关键技术研发,2021-2024,主持子课题
◆ 红云红河烟草集团有限责任公司:雪茄烟叶质量控制评价体系研究及应用,2022-2023,协作单位主持
◆ 云南省烟草公司:烟用腐熟农家肥质量标准研制与应用,2023-2025,协作单位主持
◆ 云南中烟工业有限责任公司:个性化卷烟产品的研发与应用,2023-2024,协作单位主持
■ 奖励与荣誉
◆ 云南省教工委优秀共产党员;
◆ 云南省兴滇产业创新人才;
◆ 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人;
◆ 云南省引进高层次人才;
◆ 云南农业大学 “百名”青年学术和技术带头人;
◆ 云南省油菜产业体系岗位专家;
◆ 《中草药》期刊编委;
◆ 云南省科学技术进步特等奖:高原山区重要中药材高品质种质创新及应用(第六排名);
◆ 云南省自然科学三等奖:被子植物花器官发育相关基因的研究(第三排名)
■ 代表性论文
◆ Qing Zhang, Congfang Xi, Yumei Dong, Lufeng Liu, Yunchao He, Yu Liu, Tao Liu*. Endophyte-inoculated rhizomes of Paris polyphylla improves polyphyllin biosynthesis and yield: A transcriptomic analysis of the underlying mechanism. Frontiers in Microbiology,2023, Accepted.
◆ Qing Zhang, Guanghui Kong, Gaokun Zhao, Jun Liu, Honggang Jin, Zhihua Li, Guanghai Zhang, Tao Liu*. Microbial and enzymatic changes in cigar tobacco leaves during air‑curing and fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023(107) :5789–5801
◆ Wang Xianju, Li Zhihua, Jin Honggang, Huang Xiaoming, Xiao Xubin, Zi Shuhui, Tao Liu*. Effects of mushroom-tobacco rotation on microbial community structure in continuous-cropping tobacco soil. Journal of Applied Microbiology , 2023, 0 , 1–10
◆ Jia Li, Bo Cai Shceng Chang, Ying Yang, Shuhui Zi, Tao Liu*. 2023.Mechanisms associated with the synergistic induction of resistance to tobacco black shank in tobacco by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and b- aminobutyric acid. Fronters in plant science. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1195932
◆ Shubiao Qian, Qing Zhang, Sha Li, Rui Shi, Xiahong He, Shuhui Zi, Tao Liu*. Arbuscular mycorrhiza and plant growth promoting bacteria facilitates the accumulation of saponin in Pairs polyphylla var. yunnanensis under moderate drought stress. Chinese Herbal Medicines. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chmed.2022.11.004
◆ Can Huang, Shubiao Qian, Xiaoxian Li, Xiahong He, Shuhui Zi, Congfang Xi, Rui Shi, Tao Liu*. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Physiology and Saponin Synthesis of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis at Different Nitrogen Levels. Journal of Botanical Research. 2023. 5(3):1-26 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jbr.v5i3.5518
◆ Liu Tao, Liao Qiuhong, Yu Fuqiang, Zi Shuhui, Tian Suohui, Fan Linyuan. Plant growth-promoting activities for bacterial endophytes isolated from medicinal plant of Pairs polyphylla. World Journal of Microbology and Biotechnology, 2022, 38:15 doi.org/10.1007/s11274-021-03194-0
◆ Da Haoyan, Xianju Wang, Congfang Xi, Shuhui Zi and Tao Liu*. Isolation and identification of symbiotic strains in Paris fargesii Franch that promote disease resistance. Frontiers in Agronomy. 2022, 4:1021028. doi:
◆ Tian Suohui, Chen Yanping, Zi Shuhui, Li Zhihua, Jin honggang, Liu Jun*, Liu Tao*. Thiamine induces resistance in tobacco against black shank. Australasian Plant Pathology.2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-021-00848-3
◆ Xiyue Ren, Jianjun Wang, Faliang Zhu, Zhijiang Wang, Jian Mei, Yonghui Xie, Tao Liu*, Xianwen Ye*. β-aminobutyric acid (BABA)-induced resistance to tobacco black shank in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Plos One. 17(6): e0267960. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0267960
◆ 10.3389/fagro.2022.1021028
◆ Hu Sun, Shibao Zhang, Tao Liu*, Wei Huang*. Decreased photosystem II activity facilitates acclimation to fluctuating light in the understory plant Paris polyphylla. BBA-Bioenergentics, 2020, 148235
◆ Tao Liu, Jia Chen, Furong Xu, Xiahong He, Shengchao Yang,Youyong Zhu, Weiqi Li*, Guowei Zheng*.Analysis of changes in the Panax notoginseng glycerolipidome in response to long-term chilling and heat. Plant Diversity. 2020, 102-110
◆ Xin Jin, Liwei Guo, Baihui Jin, Shusheng Zhu, Xinyue Mei, Jiaqing Wu, Tao Liu*, Xiahong He*. Inhibitory mechanism of 6-Pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one secreted by Trichoderma atroviride T2 against Cylindrocarpon destructans. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2020, 104683
◆ Wei Huang, Shibao Zhang, Tao Liu*. Moderate photoinhibition of photosystem II significantly affects linear electron flow in the shade-demanding plant Panax notoginseng. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00637.
◆ Wei Huang, Yingjie Yang, Shibao Zhang*, Tao Liu *. Cyclic electron flow around photosystem I promotes ATP synthesis possibly helping the rapid Repair of photodamaged photosystem II at low light. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00239.
◆ Wei Huang, Quan Xue, Shibao Zhang*, Tao Liu*. In vivo regulation of proton motive force during photosynthetic induction. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2018 148:109-116.
◆ Wei Huang, Shibao Zhang, Jianchu Xu, Tao Liu*. Plasticity in roles of cyclic electron flow around photosystem I at contrasting temperatures in the chilling-sensitive plant Calotropis gigantean. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2017, 141:145-153
■ 专利
◆ 国家发明专利:一种提高栽培滇重楼皂苷Ⅵ含量的方法(2023)(第一排名)
◆ 国家发明专利:一种滇重楼内生细菌促进滇重楼幼苗生长的方法(2022)(第一排名)
◆ 国家发明专利:一种获得多芽滇重楼种苗的方法(2019)(第一排名)
◆ 国家发明专利:一种提高滇重楼种子出苗率的方法(2018)(第一排名)
◆ 国家发明专利:滇重楼分子鉴定方法(2014)(第一排名)